LG VX-7000
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Voicemail Number?
Anyone know how to add pauses to your voicemail number (default is *86) so you can add # and your password? I could do this in my Nokia but haven't been able to get the pauses in. The manual refers to contact numbers for entering a pause. Thanks!
Im trying to figure this out as well.. I use to do the same thing with my nokia, which i thought i came up with that idea.. I cant figure out how to add pauses to the true voicemail number but this is what i did...
Create a new contact with the number being *86 then pause then your password. Save it as a new contact called voicemail then put it on speeddial 1. This way when you hold down 1 it dials the one you created.
The only disadvantage is when it says "you have a new voicemail, view now, or view later" if you hit call now it goes to the pre programmed voicemail number. So i hit view later then hold down the 1 button.
Go to howardforums.com and do a search for voice mail. You will find how to set your vx7000 to set your password in your volice mail number. Mine works 100%
Can you publish the link or tell us how you did it? I'll search hofo but just the search criteria of "voice mail" will result in hundreds of hits! Thanks. 🤣
First to answer your question. On the 6100 (and I know it's the same on all LG's), Whenever you enter a phone# the right soft key allows you to enter a Pause. press 2 for 2 sec pause. This puts a T in the number. Put about 3 of them
So *86TTT1234#
Does the trick.. NOW
This only works with calling voice mail by holding down the 1 key.
LG phones (there is a link to someone verifying this in this forum) will not use that number when you say"Voice Mail" via the voice menu or press send when you choose to recieve a voice mail .. it defaults to *86 .. total bummer. So I just have an entry in the jphone book that is my voice mail with my password. (with the pauses as I stated above).
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