Audiovox CDM-8910 / PM-8912 / Flasher V7
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Download pictures from CDM8910 using Verizon Service
Oct 3, 2004, 9:41 PM
Does anyone know why the download cable and cd's say not for Verizon? Is Verizon blocking the picture downloads in order to force you to use the fee based downloads?
If so has anyone hacked this yet?
i am wondering this too, but i have the virgin mobile cost me .25 for each uploaded picture
Nov 17, 2004, 8:44 PM
Katie, Verizon also hits me with 25 cents for each picture.
I find it funny that there are cables out there that will let you download the pictures using their software however they ALL state that it will not work with Verizon service as Verizon locks that part of the phone so the only way is to pay them.
I smell a class action suite coming some day. Watch for your 50 cent check after the lawyers get their part ;-)
How much you pay for verizon kit? US$ 40 I guess, and with 2 features only? Tell you what, I got my kit for only US$ 29.99, and I have more than 8 features! The software offers me phonebook data management, calandar sync, picture/wallpaper editing (almost like photoshop pro), ringer composer/editor....a lot of neat features! One of the Verizon sales told me to buy the kit, she said Handset manager is better and cheaper although she worked for verizon...
What handset manager? Does it have a name?
I think the product name is called Handset Manager. And the company is MobileAction.
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