Motorola V710
this or the v600?
LvngLrg said:
im gonna get either the Motorola v710 or the v600 (whenever they come out)...but which one should i get. i like the 710, but there afew a few things that bother me that it lacks: ringer profiles, EMS/pictur emessaging, and custom heres the compare site: ?id%5B%5D=475&id%5B%5D=247
I don't think you can go by the information that PhoneScoop currently has. Although they do a great job, they don't post everything that they don't know. My point: the v710 probably has all those features, but since it was *just* approved by the FCC, PhoneScoop may not know about them yet.
My advice to you: check the FCC web site about the v710 and s...