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Motorola V710


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V710 Accessories on Verizon Site


Apr 21, 2004, 10:18 PM
I was searching through Verizon's site today and found accessories for the v710 already posted.

So far they have a black and a tan leather case for it, bluetooth headset, bluetooth car kit, bluetooth USB adapter to sync to PC, Pocket PC bluetooth software kit for data connection, and a really cool looking blackberry style keyboard addon device.

Unfortunately none of these accesories are enabled to add to cart yet. Go figure! But I'm guessing the phone is just on the horizon!!!

WooohoooOO!!! 😁 😁 😁

Apr 21, 2004, 11:19 PM
Care to post a link???

I can't find any accessories for the phone..


Apr 22, 2004, 5:16 AM
Hey Eric815, why don't you just go ahead and prove it. I personally DO NOT believe you. I typed in a zip code from every state, and I did not see ANY accessories for the V710. And considering the V710 was sent back for programming about 2 weeks ago because of a major flaw in the Bluetooth, I highly doubt this is credible. So if in fact that you did see some accessories for the V710, go ahead and prove me wrong, and list what your zip code is, so everyone one else here can see for ourselves

Apr 22, 2004, 6:41 AM
I was just playing around with the VZW website, and I got it to list a page of accessories for the V710. However, I think it is more likely simply a website error, than an actual, intended, listing of V710 accessories.

BTW, I started with a zip of 10001, displayed some accessories for another Motorola model phone, manually edited the URL changing the model number to V710, and pressed enter.

Apr 22, 2004, 7:39 AM
WaltA said:
I was just playing around with the VZW website, and I got it to list a page of accessories for the V710. However, I think it is more likely simply a website error, than an actual, intended, listing of V710 accessories.

BTW, I started with a zip of 10001, displayed some accessories for another Motorola model phone, manually edited the URL changing the model number to V710, and pressed enter.

Conveniently vague directions. However, if what you say is true, then you had enough knowledge of web servers to manipulate a URL...but didn't have the common sense to notice that it simply changes the heading of the accessory page. Whatever phone model's accessories you were viewing before stay the sa...

Apr 22, 2004, 8:37 AM
HAHA. that guy who claims he saw accessories for it is funny. I did the same thing and when i put v710 in the url.. the same accessories come up for the phone that you previously view lol..hahah he's a funny guy.. ok bye

Apr 22, 2004, 11:20 AM
nnooiixx said:
Conveniently vague directions. However, if what you say is true, then you had enough knowledge of web servers to manipulate a URL...but didn't have the common sense to notice that it simply changes the heading of the accessory page. Whatever phone model's accessories you were viewing before stay the same. It does not show you some new, fantastic accessories. It simply refreshes the same page with a new header that reads "Motorola V710". Style sheets...go figure!

Yeah...you're informed. Don't hurt yourself looking for "that new phone just on the horizon!!!", buddy.

I guess my instructions weren't very vauge since you were able to exactly fullow them.

Yes you are right and found th...

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