Motorola V710
I'm I Phase I or Phase II
You may return any accessory as long as it is V710 compatible. Please note that you will only receive credit for those accessories which you are able to provide a purchase receipt for.
You do not need to indicate anything special on the voucher regarding the deadline. The voucher deadline has been extended for all of the Phase I claimants.
Thank You,
Settlement Administrator
This has been a hot topic over at HowardForums. You can read it yourself at » under Verizon / Motorola / V710 settlement concluded, or here is the pertinant part of the thread:
I am posting and going to cross post this message which I have received from Bill. Having read many posts today, I need to say that I have found Bill to be helpful and I feel that time is running out. Please pass this message on and lets kill the rumors!
William Weinstein
7:44 pm (1½ hours ago)
Neil Young -- Please advise HoFo as per the response.
William R. Weinstein
488 Madison Ave., 8...