Motorola V710
Reviews 100+
Possibility for other services?
Right now, we have a family plan with AT&T Wireless, so what are the chances that it would ever get to an AT&T dealer?
Would i have to just buy it at a Verizon store or something and set it up at AT&T, or does anyone think it'll hit AT&T?
I'm kinda new to cell phones i guess, but this looks sweet, and it'll save me money, cuz i can have a camera/camcorder feature.
1 reply
How will Verizon charge for bluetooth internet?
I currently use one of the old Kyocera Palm phones on the Verizon network for both voice and data. When I use data apps on the Palm - the device connects to the internet, using my plan minutes (which are unlimited on nights and weekends). I'm not charged for how much data I download.
How will this work with the 710 connected to a Palm or laptop as a bluetooth modem? Will I get free use during my unlimited minutes times (nights and weekends)? Will I need to buy one of their data plans?
4 replies
if ya wanna chat in real time come here.... if not, just ignore
NE2 and cancellation fees in reference to buying V710
There is a 175 dollar cancellation fee. If you yell at verizon they may push it back a few months. My 2 years is up in August and I yelled and pleaded and they allowed it bumped back to May 31st since I told them my phone was dying. I also told them I would agree to sign another 2 year contract. Either way, the phone probably won't be out till much sooner than August anyways. So no worries. If you like the phone enough then you should be willing to fork over the cash or look for deals on ebay.
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What Can and Can't you do with the v710 BT?!?
I just read an interesting thread on the HowardForum about some of the BT capabilities being intentionally disabled so you can't do most of what BT is able to đ˛ ... That the only real thing you will be able to do is connect hands-free devices.
Here is what I want to do with Bluetooth:
-Use a wireless headset (so far so good)
-Use a wireless speaker (so far so good)
-Use it with a car hands-free set that will show incoming phone numbers (?!?)
-Dial the phone from my PDA (?!?)
-Connect my PDA to the internet via the phone
-Synch with outlook on my computer (?!?)
-Synch with my PDA (!?!)
-Download the photos/Video to my PDA (?!?)
-Download the photos/video to my Computer (?!?)
Does anyone REALLY know what I'l...
I want the V710 but...
đ Hi guys I'm as desperate as you waiting impatiently for the release of the V710 but unfortunately I'm not eligible for an upgrade until March 2005 âšī¸ đĸ . I DON'T want to wait until March to get it... and I wouldn't like to pay the full price of it đ˛ . Are there any special procedures that I can work with VZW so I can get this phone? I want this phone sooo badly! Help! âšī¸ đĸ
1 reply
**** this bull****!!! im not waiting til AUGUST 30th
i called a verizon rep and he swore to me this phones coming out the end of may/begining of june and the 810 will be out at the end of summer
anyway, suppose it does come out that verizon 1 year contract is not up until august 30th!!! theres no way im waiting 3 more ****in additional months until i can actually buy much do cancellation fees cost these days???
and also, what if i "drop my phone down the stairs?" ..if i went into verizon the next day with a broken phone, would they let me upgrade to the v710 if i paid the full price of it? or would they order me another v60p (the piece of **** i have now)
plz help me, theres no way im waiting til august 30th
6 replies
All the features seem great but...
All the features seem great but Motorola phones have always bugged me. Maybe it is their bulky feel and appearance, or the fact that they feel toy-ish. I know others feel the same way, so i'm torn whether to buy this phone or wait for a phone with similar features from samsung or LG.
lol verizon guys bashing on moto and 710
I swung by the store today to see if anyone working had any info for me about the release/price of the 710, it went like this:
me- "any new camera phones coming out soon?"
dude1- "there's one in testing right now"
me- "do you have any idea when the motorola v710 is coming out?"
dude1- "yea, thats the one in testing. i have no idea"
dude2(not previously in convo)- "I wouldn't suggest you buy motorola"
me- "really? why"
dude2- "they aren't reliable, AT ALL. they fall apart. we all use LG's here"
dude1- "yea, 90% of the people here have the 6000. they're just a much better phones, I wouldn't trust that v710"
They didn't have any info on the LG 7000 either.
I know moto's arent viewed as reliable as LG, but I still thought it funny...
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How much will the 710 cost
When Verizon releases this phone, does anyone know the base cost or estimated costs with contracts?
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v710 blue tooth
suck on my hairy sack
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motorola v710 PRICE!
**Hey does anyone know the price of the phone, or what the promotional price will be
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mp3 ?
I was wondering if you will be able to listen to the mp3's on this phone with normal headphones. Does it have a normal headphone jack? And if not is there some type of coveter?
I have a piece of **** phone right now but I was wondering if i could sign on AIM with the v710 and if so what are the charges for it?
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This phone is not EV-DO capable...
For everyone that seems to think that this phone is being witheld because the launch of EV-DO has not occured nationwide, this is not a valid reason. The V710 is not EV-DO capable and therefore the relese date has no direct connection with the nationwide launch of EV-DO. Read the specs. đ
SD memory?
I know that this phone will use transflash as its expandable memory but will it also support SD memory? On the Motorola site it says "Expandable memory with SD compatible removable memory slot". Does that mean SD memory cards will work?
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710 vs 810?
I've been checking out the 810 and just starting reading about this phone. First impression I thought that a model higher numerically meant better. Is that the case? Which phone do you all think is better between the two of these? What about prices?...
11 replies
May 8, 2004, 6:23 PM
Got one!
I could not wait on Verzion any longer. Called Cingular on this past Wednesday and had a SWEET v600 with my ported working in my hand with my number by Friday at 6:00pm. Great phone build is good I LOVE bluetooth--works like a charm, was tough going at first but once I figured out everthing started to working like a champ.Thanks for your help Cingular Data Group!! đ
For those who can no longer wait for a sweet phone with all the bells and whitles all you really need is a v600 and its just $200 bucks from Cingular. I really don't need a MP3 player or a video recorder. The camera is a bonus actually. The calendar function on the phone is very usable. A very good personal communication device for voice and income text data with POP3 and IM...
6 replies
any time now
all the b.s. about all the features, gadgets, and tools with this phone isnt really getting any of us anywhere...if this phone is EVER released itd be a miracle, but also im doubting it will perform 100% at first...theres always some kind of mistake in the biggest and newest technology out...
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