LG VX-8000
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verizon vs any
Can anyone be honest enough to suggest the best carrier out there. Not only for the phones, but the clearness and consistancy of the call. I have Nextel and its terrible in the south jersey area. I drive alot for my job and would like to knw if bluetooth is a worthwhile investment. I heard that ATT and Cingular united. Will they now compare to verizon?
Oct 13, 2004, 7:12 PM
I live in Portland, OR and in my area Verizon is by far the best. Which carrier is the best is contingent upon where you live. For instance, I get better coverage in the Portland area but at one of my friends house I have terrible coverage, but he gets a good signal with T-Mobile. My recommendation, pick a company and try it for the two week trial period. If you get good coverage stick with it and if you don't, try another. As for bluetooth: it allows you to use a wireless headset, allows you to wirelessly transfer data, sync with some new automobiles out there and you can even get a wireless internet connection with your laptop. Hope this helps.....
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