LG VX-8000
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Can BitPim be used on the LG 8000
Mar 5, 2005, 8:09 PM
I just send out for my data cable. I was using BitPim for the VX 6000. Can BitPim be used for the 8000 or due I have to use qpst? And if I have to get qpst what site will I find this software?
Yes you can use bitpim for the LG VX8000..chose the vx7000 as your phone...u cannot use the easy interface, u must use filesystem which is harder but is the same as QPST...search google to find out more
Mar 6, 2005, 12:17 PM
BitPim works fine with the 8000. Like soccerdude stated, just use View Filesystem. If you are unsure where to put the files, just ask here. Inlcude what the file type is, and i'll help you put it where it needs to go.
Hey. I'd like to put some mp3's on my 8000 using the cable. I'd like them to play with the front buttons. can you help?
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