LG VX-6100
Reviews 100+
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A Few notes...
Well, I just got my 6100 about 30 minutes ago and its really nice. I have a 6000 and a 4500 and now I have the phone that has combined those 2 and as a plus, added tri-mode. The phone is great. Anyways, if anyone wants proof that the 9900 is discontinued then let me know. I have a picture on my 6100 that I took of the phone on display in my store and my manager has a while supplies last sign on it. But back to the 6100, I will post more in a couple days and write a review as well since there are some people that want reviews done.
Oct 20, 2004, 12:52 PM
Hey can your store send some phones to New York! 🙂
My store does not have any in stock. I ordered mine through my Direct Fulfillment center for full retail. That can be done by any store. The code to order is LG-VX6100.
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