LG VX-6100
HELP! (please) Handsfree options for driving?
I am one of those rare individuals who cannot use a headset (it would cost me $2000 to have my hearing "fixed" after each time I used one). That's why I opted for the speakerphone feature when I had to replace my old and dying Moto. What are my options for amplifying the sound on the speakerphone while driving? I know my old Moto had a "car kit" accessory which was a speakerphone/microphone/charger... is there a similar option which will work for my new LG 6100?
Any ...
http://www.verizonwireless.com/b2c/store/controller? ... »
If the link doesn't work, just go to verizonwireless.com and click on accessories and select LG and then VX-6100 and scroll down to the hands free charger.