LG VX-6100
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VX6100 or keep my Audiovox 8900?
I want to upgrade and was thinking of getting the 6100. I of course have the 8900 so should I stick with my 8900 or is the LG way better than the 8900? and my upgrade is not until Aug 06 and I'm not the patient type so may just end up paying full retail for the phone is it worth it or should I just wait? Also when i get me a new phone I'm giving my mom my Audiovox.
You won't go wrong with the VX6100! I have mine with USCellular. Have had it not quite 2 weeks yet. Mine has been absolutely flawless! And that includes the "external" speaker too! You should be alright with it if you get it! Try it. Depending on your carrier. Like USCC, they allow 30 days to try the service and the phone each! If you don't like it, take it back within that time and try something else for another 30 days. But I really like mine!
Your very welcome! Hope that answered your question!
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