Motorola V265 / V266 / V276
Reviews 100+
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is this better than 6100? also my 2 cents on moto phone!
Does this phone have better sound quality than the lg 6100?? I just upgraded my 60 moto to 6100 lg, and must say the sound really is poor on this 6100.
By the wife and i both have v60's for two years....and our 16 month old loves them....throws them all over the place...twists them, beats them, pushes every button a million times.......never has been fone quality if fine by me!!!
Obviously you've never had the 120, 720, or 730. Moto phone quality is pretty poor. The LG 6100 voice quality is excellent. I do however have faith in the new Motos. I think moto learned from their mistakes and have used the 265 and 260 and it looks good.
Obviously you haven't had an i205, those things are bricks, lol.
Try the V265 I think you will be impressed by the reception and battery life.
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