Motorola V620
Does this phone support EDGE?
If it doesn't support EDGE, is this something that can be changed with a FLEX file or updated firmware. In other words could the FLEX files or firmware from the V551 be put on the V600 or V620 to give it EDGE support?
No matter when you buy something, there will always be something new and better out in six months or less. That's just the way it works.
This is only an issue for those of us obsessed with having the latest, greatest phone. That's not most of the buying public.
Would you prefer that Motorola put out fewer models, and only update its lineup once a year? They wouldn't be very competitive that way. Personally, I'd rather them pump out more models, more often. That way they can stay ahead of the curve on technology, and they're more likely to release a phone that's exactly what I'm looking for (naturally it's different for e...
motohello said:
Can you provide a link to that .pdf?
Here it is. Scroll to page 11.
http://a508.g.akamai.net/7/508/787/20040728031413/ww ... »
That was part 1 of the presentation. Here's part 2 for those that want to see the rest of it.
http://a508.g.akamai.net/7/508/787/20040728030908/ww ... »
Although the photo is not the V635 - it's just a recycled placeholder image. You can see that it says "V600" on the phone itself. Plus, a reliable source informs me that the V635 will look a bit different - it should be pretty easy to tell a V600/V620 apart from a V635.