Samsung SGH-E730
Forget about the Nokia 6255i
If you need a pretty UI, though, there's nothing better than a Samsung.
Nokia can take their plastic, huge, antenna-ed 6255i and shove it. POS as far as I'm concerned.
tuolumne said:
This handset offers much more than just a "pretty UI".
Nokia can take their plastic, huge, antenna-ed 6255i and shove it. POS as far as I'm concerned.
Actually the 6255 is a very nice piece of hardware...well built and smaller than you think.
tuolumne said:Obviously plenty disagree, seeing as how Nokia is #1 by a large margin while Samsung is a distant #3.
This handset offers much more than just a "pretty UI".
Nokia can take their plastic, huge, antenna-ed 6255i and shove it. POS as far as I'm concerned.
CoreyTheGent said:
Obviously plenty disagree, seeing as how Nokia is #1 by a large margin while Samsung is a distant #3.
#1 marketshare because their phones are cheap. Average selling price of Samsung phones are twice that of Nokia.
CoreyTheGent said:
Unfortunately, many people would prefer Nokia's strong reputation for durability and overall more impressive handsets than Samsung's half-@ssed "Masterpieces."
If you need a pretty UI, though, there's nothing better than a Samsung.
Hey, I dig Nokias as much as the next person, but their GUIs are not a walk in the park. They take some getting used to.