LG V VX-9800
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Texting, and using IM on V
Jul 4, 2006, 1:55 AM
If you get that any monthly text package that they have at verizon can you use the IM from AIM or MSM, or do you have to get the $5 a month web package in order to IM?
There are a few free AIM sites you can IM from. You can set up WAP and not have to pay Verizon at all.
Well, I was using the Vcast plan when I used aim so I'm not sure if you have to have internet, but if you do set it up as a WAP like shadrach said, when you do get on aim it will take away from airtime minutes, so don't forget to sign off.
jmdizzle. How do I use aim on the 9800? I'm interested in iming as well. thanks
Nevermind I figured it out. Thanks... 🙂
Yeah guys just go to messeges and scroll down to instant messenger to download it.
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