Samsung SCH-A950
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What to do when your cell phone brakes
Hello, I dropped my cell phone and car ran over it. It still is in one piece, but there is crack on red face plate. Amazingly, lcd's are still in good condition. Would verizon give me new phone or repair this phone or do I have to get new phone using my own money. Thank you
Jan 2, 2006, 4:36 PM
just try taking it in i'm not positive i just lost my e815 they didn't replace it so i bought this phone
They will NOT. Warranty doesn't cover stuff like that.
you maybe able to order a new housing from samsung (1-888-987-4357) my guess is the faceplate runs around 20 bucks.Then just take itt into a store and see if someone would be nice enough to put it for you if you can't do it yourself. I have done thois before with lg
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