UTStarcom PPC-6700 / XV-6700 / HTC Apache
Voice command via bluetooth
I've read on another site that voice command via a bluetooth headset is impossible. Is this true? Will this not work with third party programs (Microsoft Voice Command, Vito Voice Dial??)?
I have a samsung A680 and I use voice command a lot through my wired earpeice. I want to upgrade to bluetooth with the same functionality. Lack of BT VoiceCom will break this deal for me. I might sadly go for the Samsung MM-940. I hear voice signal works with BT on that.
Feedback please.
You would think if they can make a phone work with voice command, they could make it work with BT and a phone this advanced.
I cant find anything that will work with it where you can voice command through the BT headset and say "call home" and it will if it is in your addy book.
I am just blown away my ol samsung phone does this and its 4 years old.
Well, I hope someone can reply with a solution.
that sux
Will probably hold off for the Treo 700. That seems promising.