UTStarcom PPC-6700 / XV-6700 / HTC Apache
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Is this the phone for me?????
Im a teenager who works a ton and needs a phone to do email from and also connect to AIM to keep in contact with my friends.
I also dont want to shell out the money for the unlimited data plan for verizon so is this phone worth buying to keep me from having to shell out the cash or is it to much of a hassle to use?
Just looking for opinions not trying to start at anrguement just need some advice.
Top priority
Calendar scheduling
Good battery (at least a day or two)
Aug 8, 2006, 9:24 PM
If you are able to access a wireless connection, this phone would work for you, otherwise you will have to pay for a data plan to accomplish your first two priorities
This is going to sound silly, but am very curious. I went to Verizon to look at the TREO 700W. They said that in order to access the internet, I had to purchase at least their $79.99 plan. If I am near a wireless site, coudln't I just access through internet explorer without paying VERIZON for the service???? Please explain in detail how this all works. THANKS SO MUCH!
Doesn't the Treo have WiFi? If it does, then you don't need the EVDO data plan. Don't what they are trying to sell ya. If you already have Verizon, you can keep your current plan and add on an additional 44.95 for the dataplan. Only advantage to EVDO is that you have internet anywhere.....I love it. If you have access to a ton of hotspots, you don't need to spend that extra money
This phone can do all that you need for business, personal, whatever. I've had it under a week and can't put it down. So far I love it; no other phone compares to it.
None of the Treos have WIFI. The 6700 is the only pocket pc on the CDMA network to have WIFI.
Excellent device.
Except for the freezing, I think it rocks!
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