BlackBerry 7100i
Reviews 15
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Way to shoot yourself in the foot RIM!
An emailing device w/out a QWERTY keyboard... well done you morons.
The one good thing Blackberrys had going for them and they get rid of it. How dumb is that?
I dont understand how it doesn't have a QWERTY keyboard? Have you even actually touched one because from what it seems like, you haven't had the pleasure of using one. Whos the moron?
Actually, I have had the pleasure(?) of using one. A QWERTY keyboard typically has a dedicated key for each letter. This has a key for every 2 letters... why stop there? Why not make a Blackberry that has the standard 0-9 keys and just that?
Humdizzle said:
A QWERTY keyboard typically has a dedicated key for each letter. This has a key for every 2 lettersblockquote>
if it has a keyboard/keypad that has all letters, its QWERTY. Even though it shares keys, it works the same as the older BlackBerrys
humdizzle u need to get one before u knock it.
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