LG VX-8300
Reviews 100+
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Need advice vx-8100 or a950 or wait for the vx-8300???
I just got a new family plan from verizon. I was attracted by the buy one get one deal. I want a phone with a good mp3 player that is easy to use. So currently I am trying the samsung sch a950 and lg vx-8100. I am not sure what I want to do because I like the idea of a new phone no one else has (vx-8300) but is it worth the price difference? I am leary of a brand new phone fresh on the market too, most new phones always seem to have some errors? Am I safe to get it when it comes out or should I wait? I was thinking of getting one (950 or 8100) now and then in a few months sell mine on ebay and buy the 8300? Wich one will be worth more the 950 or 8100? What makes the most sense I need a phone now and my trial period has 13 days left wh...
VX-8300.Why you say? Can you say "STEREO BLUE TOOTH" ......nuff said
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