LG VX-8300
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LG 8300 - What it takes to be a good phone-It's got a good chance !
I did lots of testing with the 8100 against the 950 months ago..
I have to tell you the 8100 did almost everything right.. It was pretty close to perfect..
Here are the problems that bugged us the most -
The Bluetooth Implementation on the 8100 was really bad. What was discovered was in the voice circuit , there was an echo problem so that when people spoke to you and you were on Bluetooth they woudl hear themselves talk back to their own eairpiece. Yes, it happens on every 8100 and yes lots of people dont even know it does it.. It just does. Lots of people on the other end of the phone never complain about bad conversations.
The 950 Bluetooth is near perfect but the 950 has issues too.
So lets hope the 8300 fixes this one.....
May 30, 2006, 10:38 AM
I will be waiting 🙂 hope this thing turns out better then the 930
What about grainy pictures? The 8100 took less than great pics indoors. I don't own an 8100, but every one I've tried in the stores had a huge camera delay and bad picture quality. Has LG made any improvments with these on the 8300?
Well let me start by saying it is not the phone that has the problem but the headset that people use and the volume that they have it set at. I have tried just about every BT headset on the market ( really not kidding) I love gadgets and the best one for this phone has been the one by Logitech. I posted a review on her a while back. No one and I mean no one can tell that I am on a Bt headset, no feedback (yes I ask) no distortion no nothing but excellent sound. I have showed all the VZW stores that I hang out in and they all have tried ( just showed a manager today) He also told me that they have none ever returned like the do the moto's.amd other sets. He is buying one himself after trying mine. I also have had no trouble with my 8100 I jus...
Phone freak - I had every blue tooth headset here for testing along with the Logitech.. They all had issues on the 8100..
Of course you dont have issues, it's the people calling you.. Certainly people have become used to having quirky conversations since the advent of cell phones and most people just shrug it off. If you ask the person your talking to to speak occasionally they will here themselves back in their earpiece along with other anomolies. It's just the design. It's nto a good one, but if your happy then mission accomplished for you.
The bottom line is the phone has some issues and they need to be fixed and I hope like hell they are in the 8300. You are not going to tell me the voice dialing is good , are you ?
It's horrid....
The Moto HS810 is awesome, no problems, very loud, crisp, clear.
the voice dialing is the big thing for me also. it's the only thing i really hate about my 8100. it's odd because the older model lg's do just fine. the 4650, 6100, and a few others always recognized me just fine but my 8100 hates me. tried training it but it didn't really help. i'm also hoping they shorten the commands like the sammys and moto so you don't have 3 plus commands to make a call.
so far, I like it better than my 8100
Theatermax... As I said I do ask people how I sound. I then switch to not using the BT and just useing the phone to my ear. As I stated, for me the Logitech works great no one can tell no feedback whatsoever. I talk on my phone about 2500 mins a month as it is my work line being that I am an outside sales rep and live in my car all day. I agree the voice dialing is not all that great. But to the other poster you can do away with the 3 prompts there is a setting where you will only hear a beep instead of the voice asking you what you want. Again as i said I have had my friends try it on there phone where I am listening to them speak on the headset and i listen and no problems. I tried them all and this one I think works the best on the 8100.
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