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LG VX-8300


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Synch with Outlook Contacts


Jun 2, 2006, 10:09 PM
Anyone with experience with the Mobile Office software that sync's with the contacts and phone numbers in Outlook? I'm told that it works just fine by the Verizon salesman. I have way too many to input on the phone. Please offer any first hand experience with this.

Jun 3, 2006, 6:06 PM
I have a similar question. I'm thinking of giving up my Treo 650 to get this phone, because I really don't use the Palm functions that much to justify such a big phone. But, I need to know if the addresses in my Contacts will transfer to this phone (or will it just transfer the phone numbers and e-mails)?

Oct 20, 2006, 5:07 PM
I have been researching this same question for a week now. I have found no evidence that it can actually synch calendar and contacts from computer to this phone.
1. Sales person in store said he thinks the VX-9800 is the only phone that can do that.
2. Tech support person on phone from Verizon researched it and said same thing... even with the Mobile Office Kit, the 9800 is the only phone that can synch calendar and contacts.
3. The one reviewer on this site who said he had managed to synch: I emailed him and he doesn't really remember what he had done and if it was successful.

Note of caution: According to the tech support person, the VX-9800 only synchs wirelessly, via Bluetooth, and you have to pay $20/month for the service.


Oct 20, 2006, 6:26 PM
http://getitnow.vzwshop.com/news_going_browse.aspx?i ... »

Verizon has a program in Get It Now called Wireless Sync that supposedly will allow you to get emails, and sync both contacts and Calendars. Never tried it, however it is compatible with this phone. Separately, I've been using Verizon GIN Backup Asst for over a year, and it works fine. I know they just added a feature where you can backup your calendar and contact info from Outlook (vs. their proprietary program) through the Backup Asst, so if you don't need emails, and just need access to your desktop's contacts and calendars, that may be a better option (and you don't have the messy push mail issues).

Oct 20, 2006, 6:32 PM
Whoops, for the simple backing up and syncing of contacts and calendars, I meant Mighty Phone, not Backup Asst (same company, different program within the company)
http://getitnow.vzwshop.com/news_going_browse.aspx?i ... »

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