LG VX-8300
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Sorting WMAs
I loaded up my 512Mb MicroSD card with a month's worth of MP3s from my educational CDs, then discovered that I couldn't fit the whole months worth. I converted them to WMA and now they fit. The problem is that the WMA files, even carefully named to sort correctly, don't play in order??? If I go to "My Music" they list in order, but when I close the phone and press the outside play button, they play out of order. It is bothersome to change speakers in the middle of their talk!
When they are MP3s, they play in order.
Any ideas?
When NOT using the shuffle mode [and you're obviously not]... the MP3's (ie.My MP3's[8]) play in alphabetical order by ARTIST Name... and the WMA's (ie. My Music[4]) plays alphabetically by SONG title. So... You're likely going to have to get a 1-gig card and load them once again in "MP3 format" so they'll play in order the way you want them to. Best Buy has sales on the 1-gig [microSD/TransFlash] card every few weeks.
You had the right answer, just the wrong order. I was able to add a numeric sequence to the start of the ARTIST's name for each track on the the WMAs. They then sorted the tracks in the correct order. Thanks for the clue!
Even beter solution is going through the painfull process to create a playlist. The track sequence can all be modified to play in whatever order you want.
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