LG VX-8300
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Dorky Voice Recognition?
As much as I like the 8300 (and I really do), I'm not happy with the voice recognition capability. Frankly, my previous phone, the LG VX4400, was easier to use. Sure, it didn't do very much, but it did it well. This one constantly blows it and asks me numerous times if it has it correct - and it usually does not. Plus, it mispronounces the phone book names terribly.
Is there something I can do to get it to work more effectively?
I have been having the same problems with the voice recognition on the 8300. I think the solution is coming next month with the Moto KRZR K1m.
You mean that, even though you've purchased the 8300, you would turn around and purchase the KRZR?
You must be a true phone fanatic.
(That KRZR is a looker, I will say...)
Yes indeedy...if the KRZR's initial reviews are positive, I would have no problem with getting it.
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