LG VX-8300
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8300 + Motorola H3?
I just purchased the 8300 and have the v03 software on it. The bluetooth is excellent with my jabra 350 but my wife needs a headset and is comfortable with the jabra350 and her 8300. I was thinking of picking up the H3. Does anyone have any experience with this headset? How about any experience with the H700? I have read mixed reviews about the H700, but was curious if anyone had any experiences with the v03 on the the 8300. Any help/info would be great. Thanks again
A few posts down someone said that the 820 worked quite well with v03 on the 8300, but I dont think we've heard from anyone here (yet) about any other headsets, although I have made a post for ppl to see if their issues are resolved by v03 and post the results here.
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