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Belt Clip Issues - Am I crazy?


Oct 24, 2006, 10:45 AM
This may sound silly, but I've now purchased two different versions of the belt clip for the 8300 from two different vendors, and BOTH do not fit properly (they not wide enough for the phone).

Now, bear with me here, because at first glance this (and maybe yours) may appear to fit: The bottom of the phone will sit properly in the holster, and the top of the phone will clip in at the top of the holster.

But my first clue was how easily the phone was to remove from the clip. Upon closer inspection, I noticed that looking top down the at the phone while in the clip, only one side of the clip is actually 'hugging' the side of the phone. The other side is pushed up against the back of the phone but not hugging (as if they built it a coup...

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