LG VX-8300
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mp3 question
Dec 11, 2006, 10:23 AM
I just got my VX-8300 Friday and am trying to convert it to play mp3 songs. I have gone thru the hidden menu and gotten to the music setting folder. When I push the OK button the phone says Not Avaliable. Am doing something wrong or did they take the mp3 function off of the phone.
The newest firmware for the 8300 does not need to have mp3s enabled. They already are.
Dec 12, 2006, 1:13 PM
Thanks for the info. It will only let me load 75% of the songs that I have tried. One song I tried to load three times. The same song plays on all of the burned CDs and my mp3 player I use at work. The card shows that the songs are loaded when I look at them on my computer. But the phone doesn't load them. All of the mp3s are from the same website. So that souldn't be a factor.
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