LG CU500
lg cu500 to laptop?
thank you,
The link above is the most comprehensive list from cingular how to connect the CU 500. Select the type of connection you want, using Communications Manager or dial up and then the operating system.
It is imperative that you set the dial up networking type on the phone from Settings before attempting especially if you do automatic setup.
I foun...
1. Login into "My Account" at
https://www.myaccount.cingular.com/ »
2. In the Phone/device area, click on "Support" (this is assuming that your account correctly shows the CU500 as your current device)
3. Under "Device Setup" click on "Connect device and laptop/PDA to access internet"
You should see a list of devices (PDAs, a Mac, laptops with different versions of Windows).
Chose your device, and follow the links...
http://shop.vendio.com/gamesdepot/item/894453422/?s= ... »
or this:
http://www.compusa.com/products/product_info.asp?pfp ... »
With the card reader, you'll need to take out the microSD card and insert it in the reader (probably using the SD adapter that comes with all microSD cards), and then you can move files to and from the card.
Now, is there any stereo headphones for this phone??? On the Cingular site maybe? I bought an adapter for the headphones that I have from Radio Shack but I can only get sound out of one of the headphones....anyone experienced this???
Thanks again for all your help!
http://forums.cingular.com/cng/board/message?board.i ... »
and here:
http://forums.cingular.com/cng/board/message?board.i ... »