HTC TyTN / 8525 / JasJam (Hermes)
using Goodlink on the HTC TyTN
1) I have password protected the device with a simple numeric pin. Before Goodlink, when I turned it on, a large numeric keypad popped up so I could enter the pin with a finger. Now I get a full keyboard which is too small to use with one of my fat fingers. Anyone know how to get the large key pad back a the start-up pin entry default?
2) I can't turn off GPRS from the device and keep GSM connected. Goodlink automatically turns it back on. This affects battery life and more importantly is expensive as I am currently roaming and paying GBP10 a Mbyte for data!
Another solution is to stop biting your nails. 😉
As for #2, I don't think it's related to Goodlink, because I don't have Goodlink and it does the same thing. Even if I set ActiveSync to full manual.