Nokia N73
Reviews 15
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What about the missing WiFi
I trying to pick my new phone from the Nseries line and I am leaning toward the N73 but the missing WiFi is the only thing keeping me from buying it. I'm not sure how much of a dealbreaker this should be. I have a MDA now and I don't really use the WiFi I have at home and at the office much, maybe this is overvalued for a phone?
Sep 8, 2006, 2:54 PM
you just answered your own question 😛
the absence of WIFI keeps this from being the perfect fone.
if you can wait for the N95 then you'll have your WIFI and oodles of other features.
n95 should be out in Q1 and cost around 700.00
the phone is slimmer than the n80, weighing about 10 grams less.
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