Samsung SGH-E900 / E906
How to flash your e900's firmware
You will need:
- Optiflash for E900
- A firmware upgrade
- The original samsung USB cable that came with the phone
Launch Optiflash and click on 'Options > Settings > Generic'
- Select 'Customer T: D830/D840/E900 (USB)'
- Set 'Flash Erase Passes' to '1'
- Set 'Operation Passes' to 'Default'
- Uncheck all checkboxes except 'Differences only'
Select the tab 'Flash and Verify'
- Browse to and select your firmware (*.s3)
Select the tab 'Default Contents'
If you have a file *.cts with the firmware *.s3:
- Select radio button “S-Record with content”
- Browse to and select your *.cts file
If you do not have the...
Now, this happily lets you insert other mobile phone companies' SIM cards, it doesn't come up with the usual "Invalid card" message that some users have seen, BUT...
...whenever you insert an alternative SIM card, it demands that you enter the SIM Lock code for the original SIM code.
Orange has put a secret SIM Lock code on it's phones/SIMs, and you MUST enter this code if you want to use the phone with other providers.
I've just been through these "reflashing" instructions - it worked a treat, my phone is now happily in Russian (!) but the problem is still the same.
It's still asking me for a "SIM Lock" code (in Russian !) which I don't have.
(Btw, obvious...