LG VX-8500 Chocolate
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Samsung SCH-a990, VX9900 Price???
Who thinkd that the price will be higher than the Samsung??
well as far as i can tell the 990 is going for about 300 with a two year contract. The phone is nice a little bulky but has some great camera quality. The 9900 hasnt had any status in our data base as of now. there are the roumers of the sep 4th release date but i have yet to see any confermation on that. Im a 9800 user and love the phone. Sold my chocolate already cause i am used to my qwerty key board. So i am waiting on this 9900. When i get some further news on this phone ill share the wealth.
Which phone is going to be better. I know about, if i like testing the VX9900 is better, but whats better about the design, features, ect??
its all around better thinner easier to see in the daylight and all of the above there are a fe things that are still undisclosed but as far as i can see there is many improvements. The kes are soft touch like the side kick and there arnt as many "bottle necked" options here either
Aug 28, 2006, 6:43 AM
Don't know about price but this is what i've heard. First the 9900 has been pushed back to 9/28. It's suppose to be all silver, thickness of the razr and have a 2.0MP camera. Here is where I get confused. I also hear it has full pda capabilities. Does that mean it runs WM5 or something like that? Does it mean you need a data plan like you do with any of the other PDAs?. If this is true then this will be a very expensive phone. At least $350-$400 I would think. Especially since they are still keeping the 9800 at $200.
Aug 28, 2006, 6:57 AM
I should also add that if it is a pda i don't know how practical it would be. I see nothing but trouble trying to use a pda that you have to flip open first. It seems you would be short one hand trying to do that.
i dont thinkt that being short one hand would be to big of a probllem. I have a 9800 and I can open it and text almost anything with just one hand. If the 9900 is going to thiner than I would definetly be able to do most every thing with one hand. However I dont like the idea of it being a pda. I love the 9800 as is and the idea of it being thinner is exciting, but the idea if paying 24.99 for a 10mb data package in order to use it to its full potential is not appealing. they need to keep it Vcast capable and not have it run off WM5.
flash ui, no pda, so much like the 9800 only smaller with higher res camera
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