LG VX-8600 / AX-8600
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LG VX 8600 and Bluetooth problem...HELP!
I have no luck when it comes to bluetooth. If it's not one thing, it's another w/every BT I've had. This time around, I have the LG HBT-730 for my 8600 and everytime I am on the bluetooth w/a call, and there is a call waiting beeping in, the phone shuts off and the bluetooth disconnects!!!!!
This doesn't appear to be a phone malfunction because I've had calls waiting while not using the BT and the phone stays on. I've also tried updating the programming though VZW, no luck.
Has anyone had the same problem, and if so, what's the fix?????
I have a similar problem where when I connect a three way call, the phone disconnects both calls after about one minute. If you try it again, same thing. I thought it was the phone so I had it replaced. There is a bug with this firmware. Not sure how to go about fixing it...
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