LG VX-8600 / AX-8600
Reviews 100+
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Speakerphone fix?
Seems like the one gripe most people have is the low speakerphone. Anyone know if this could eventually be fixed by a software upgrade or something else? It seems like this is the one thing keeping this from being anawesome phone.
funny you mention this and your right it does seem that alot of people have low volumes on there speakerphone. but the funny thing is when you play a mp3 song it actually pretty loud. So maybe it is a software issue, im goin to te verizon store today and going to check on other 8600's
It's funny how I hear alot of complaints on the speakerphone's volume. I think it's pretty loud. I simply turned the volume up. But it could also be that this is the first time I've had speakerphone on a phone in 3-4 yrs. I may not have anything to compare it to.
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