Samsung M300
Average Ratings

The most awsomeist phone
i ve had this phone for the past 2 years and ive never had any problems reception wise or volume wise.,.,i dont know what people are refering to,.,.but the phone is pretty self explainatory,.,.,ive had to get another battery after a year,.,

Barely Suitable
do not bye this phone, it sucks badly. i got it as a freebie (luckily) but i wish i wouldnt have just settled for anything.
+ Loud ring tones
Con's :
- Freezes to much, at first only on texting, now it freezes when i turn it on or when im trying to navigate to thwe menu, at times u need to take battery out casue its so frozen
_ alot of the time i open the phone and the screen will just be all white, and sometimes u have to take the battery out to get it to go back to normal, sometimes u have to take it out twice.
- the screen gets messed up alot, it will split the screen in have and show half of a screen display two times instead of showing the whole display.
-it has difficulty with sending messages
- camera sucks
-sometimes it types the wrong letter then the one u want...it will put a letter thats not even on the button u pushed.
- add's words to text messages after u hit the send button
- occasionally sends messages to the wrong person
u will be very frusterated if u buy this phone.

This was the first phone I got when I opened my Sprint account. It was great for a while, then everything went south.
The conpact size made it a breeze to carry
The ringer was LOUD!
Battery life is bad.
Mine overheated and caught fire!
If you've got one, and it's having problems, use your insurance to replace it, or outright get rid of it.

Not that great..
slim, small design
easy to use buttons
front cannot stay clean
speaker volume is never loud enough
battery needs charging constantly
back button is too close to down button
scratches easily
plastic piece that covers charging area on my phone came off about a month or so after i got it.
external display only has yellow.
camera has poor quality.
it also roams often, and beeps as it does so. it can be in the same spot, beep for no service, and a minute later beep again and have full service. also very hard to read the front display screen in the sunlight, even if the external led picture is changed.

Samsung M300
Battery for this phone is bad. Needs charging every day. The talk time is not as listed. Don't buy just for this reason. I have four because they were free and all have the same trouble with poor batteries.
Stay away.

Okay phone for the price
This phone is FREE when you sign up with Sprint! It's a good phone. I mean, not many carriers offer a FREE camera phone!
Clear screen
Good ring volume
Inexpensive (not much cheaper than FREE)
Small and compact
Kind of flimsy
All-in-all, it's a good phone! We sell a lot of them and people never come back to complain!

Samsung M300 - More Than Satisfied Customer
I purchased my Samsung M300 in June of 2007 and have been quite satisfied with its performance. The main feature that attracted me to this phone is called TTS, which stands for text to speech, and implements software that converts text shown on the screen into sspeech output. The voice used is fairly intelligible, and many of the features can be spoken. This feature caught my attention because I am blind, and, therefore, unable to access the screen in the conventional way. When I purchased the phone, I knew I would be able to check missed calls, find out who is calling me when the phone rings, add and access contact information, and peruse various menu items. The only items the TTS won't speak are those requiring me to enter text such as text messaging, the calendar and scheduler, to do list, and clock. Still, the access is okay, and I can only hope Samsung will continue to develop this idea, as it benefits more people than just those wishing for hands free access. Okay, that said, the phone is solidly constructed, has great sound, a decent speaker phone, and is quick to respond to commands. I can't speak for those I cannot access, so won't comment on the response of text messaging and other features mentioned above. The reception is good where I live and in surrounding areas, and the ringer volume is more than acceptable. The call volume could be a little louder, but I can live with it. The keypad could pose a problem to those with larger hands or insensitive fingers, as each row of keys is located on a strip instead of positioned as separate buttons. The buttons surrounding the okay and arrow buttons are reminiscent of buttons on a microwave, so again, could pose a problem. I personally had no problem orienting myself with all the keys, and don't miss too many pushes, but can see where others might have difficulty. All in all, I would definitely recommend this phone. Its small size, great look, (so I've been told, haha), and variety of features make it a great choice.

Looks good, Cheap and it still falls short.
I've had this phone for a while now I'm about ready to throw it out the window! It's such a let down from the past Samsung phones I've had in the past. I'm a Samsung faithful however I've got to get something else.
-Looks great
-Small, thin.
-Photos aren't bad.
-Works fine with Bluetooth.
-Prone to scratches on the inside and out.
-VERY short battery life compared to other Samsung low end phones.
-Not loud enough, even with volume maxed on both the ringer and the speaker.
-Buttons aren't sensitive enough.
-Navigation pad and other buttons are too close together. Instead of pushing down I always push back.
-Hard to feel the buttons on the keypad so I have to look at it instead.
-I could probably find a few more things but why beat a dead horse?
I'd recommend doing your research a bit more and perhaps afford a better phone. Samsung should replace this phone soon, so let's hope it's better than this one.

The Perfect Phone
This is the perfect phone for people who love to text messege and picture message. This little phone is packed with cool features and cool sounds. This phone has perfect reception and great speaker quality. Everything about this phone is simply perfect. It has a ton of memory for your pictures, games ring tones, etc. The external display is bright and beautiful as well as the internal. Its very thin and durable. The ring tones are nice and loud for people who can hear as easily as others.
This phone also has great preset screen savers.
And if the battery life isn't long enough for you buy a extended battery. And if it shows to many finger prints buy a case. And if the reception isn't good enough for you then buy a antenna booster. These simple little problems can be solved easily. Its not that hard. Pros: Everything
Cons: Nothing