BlackBerry 8830
Average Ratings
Great business tool but terrible as a phone
The 8830 is a great business tool but it does not work well as a phone. Callers advised me that I sound muffle and weird. At times, pending location, people have a hard time understanding me. Verizon tech support advised me to return the phone and they sent me a new 8830. The issue is still present and the tech guy was puzzled. Tech support identified the issue but they are not sure if it's the network or a bad batch of phones. They should be getting back to me by week hopefully. In the mean time, I went to the Verizon store and made some test calls using the 8830 on display at the store and the Pearl. People stated that I sound much clearer on the Pearl than on the 8830. If you use the handset to make and receive calls, I would proceed with caution. If you use a headset, you will be fine. In my opinion, do some calls in the store before buying.
Converted from TREO
I converted from the TREO 700wx.
* The operating system is much more stable
* I never have to reboot the phone
* TeleNav is really nice
* The phone doesn't lock-up when in E-mail and getting a call
* The keyboard with silver keys and lite blue back lite is horrible and only fit for a teenagers eyes. The TREO is far superior in keyboard usability.
* placing the phone on silent or vibrate takes too long and is not a flick of a switch
* The TREO feature where you can set the phone to dial access codes for voice mail does not exist.
The TREO feature with quick keys for your voice mail does not exist
Can't Compare to Treo
After reading most of the posts here, I had to put my 2 cents in here. I'm sorry but no BlackBerry compares to a Treo. Especially Treo's that run on MS. Unfortunately, my company made me switch to the 8830 and I've hated it since the first day. Here are a few of the worst things on this device:
The location of the voice activated button is completely wrong.
Any website that has a little more than the average content takes over 3 mins to load.
When in any website, the trackball sticks at no matter what sensitivity level it's set too.
The device won't play any type of videos off the web.
You have to physically sync to a PC in order to upload music to it.
The icons on the home screen make it look like it's a toy for 3 yr olds.
MS files, like Excel, Word, Powerpoint won't run on the device. list goes on and on. If you haven't used a Treo, try it. You'll love it.
Sorry BlackBerry but your products are lame.