Nokia 2720
Average Ratings

Nokia 2720. Decent phone, decent price.
I bought this phone 4 weeks ago, even before T-Mobile listed it on their website. While I am not a flip phone fan, this is a nice phone. Clear display, loud ringers, large keypad make it easy to use. The earpiece could be a tad louder, but for most situations its good enough. The battery could live a longer between charges, but I like to text, which may consume charge faster. My phone came in a pre-paid kit. I put my old SIM inside and use it as a post-pay phone.
-Solid build.
-Nice price.
-Loud ring tones, speakerphone.
-Good signal grabber.
-Bluetooth works very well.
-Battery could go longer between charges.
-Earpiece could be a tad louder.

The phone is ok
The phone looks like it'd be rugged on the front, but it honestly is the normal nokia, but the phone has good features, ok phone i have the nokia 1110i too, and its a good phone

Terrible Speakerphone ~ Everything else great!
I bought this phone for my Mom. She uses the speakerphone feature almost ALL the time.
So, when researching a phone, this Nokia 2720 had some of the highest ratings for a speakerphone.
The speakerphone part for the user of the phone is fine. But the person you are talking to with the phone (like when my Mom calls me) is TERRIBLE. There is a TON of background 'noise', usually sounding like she is holding the phone out her window as she's driving! It's bad.
She can be sitting at home, at her desk, and the sound quality I hear on the other end is terrible.
For that soul reason, I would not recommend this phone.

Super little folder!
Pros: great signal grabber, good sound, good speaker phone, small and light, sleek and very good looking IMHO. Easy GUI...very simple to operate. Camera works great. Price is outstanding for the quality. Bought the prepaid phone for $39 as a spare and ending up using it as my main phone.
Cons: very few...very shiny so fingerprints easy.
If you buy this phone and you don't need to text message or surf the Internet, you will be very happy. It is a winner for the price. Highly recommended.

Pros: Nice Features, Video Capture,Durable, Long Lasting Battery, & Steel Keys
Cons: Fingerprint Magnet, Scratches Easily, & Low Memory
The nokia 2720 is a good phone, iv'e has it for about a month now and its a nice phone but the phone has low memory so it can only hold about 6 mp3 ringtones, also it scratches easily, and its a fingerprint magnet, on the plus side it is durable and is very stylish it has a good 1.3 megapixel camera, and the steel keys don't scratch or fade. overall a good basic phone.

Good Value
For the price, it's a great phone. I just picked one up today at RadioShack for $10 as part of the Hot Friday deal.
-Sound quality is fine
-Bright, vivid screen colors
-Ringers are clear and loud enough
-Vibrate function is strong enough to be felt in a pants pocket
-Images, especially while on line, can be a bit blurry
-No Micro-SD slot
Overall not too shabby. I like my Nokia 6301 better for both clarity of images and for the fact that it has a slot for a memory card. Besides that I think it's great and a $10 price tag you can't go wrong.

Great phone for the money
Just bought this phone for my secondary line.
pros: large buttons, nice 1.3 m camera, cheep price tag, bluetooth, web.
Cons: none that I have found yet.

1.3 MP for howmuch?!?
Great little flip phone with very usable 1.3 megapixel camera. Large buttons and great battery life, all around perfect for the price: $69.99 FULL INVOICE!
Large Buttons
Battery Life
Small Screen
Thicker than I'd like