LG VX-3200
Average Ratings

Look I am one of those people who always has the latest phone no matter how much it costs with everything on it, MP3, camera, video, web, aim, u name it. 5 yerars now i have been switchin up with these expensive phones about every 6 months i have gone through a sidekick, kyocera slider remix, nokias, razr, krzr, chocolate you name it and have had malfunctions in all the phones (this is without droppin them at all and they were not refurbished) i realized that the more stuff you get on the phone the lest resistant it is. I have had suck a head ache with these gadgets and recently made a choice to get a basic simple inexpensive phone. I chose this LG.. a friend of mine had it for 3 years and i used to make fun of her all the time but it is still in perfect condition, she has dropped it a trillion times and its sturdy as a rock. As i was laughing at her i was spending hundreds on new phones breakin every couple months. I broke down and bought this phone... i have to admit i am soo pleased, it is the simplest to use and i wont have to worry about it breaking
clear clear screen
extremely resilient
loud so i can hear what people are saying
clear speaker
you can set voice recordings as ringers which is amazing because the speaker is clear and you can just record music with out paying for ring tones
basic, no hassles
a few cute display settings
buttons are nice and easy
batter last pretty long and charging is quick
funny but a cute mirror border around the screen so you can check ur reflection (for the women who worry about their makeup)
light weight
mobil web
could use a screen on the front to tell whose calling but you can open up the cover and see who it is with out picking up
slow mobil web (but i dont use it alot anywhase)
reception can be hard to find at times but alot of times that just has to deal with the company you are working through
could use some games
the inbox gets filled pretty quick and this annoying message pops up about it being 80% full

good speakerphone (that's about it)
HORRIBLE reception-too many dropped calls to count
Internal screen is too small
ugly design
no camera
no internet acess
no external screen
I have had this phone for two years now, unable to replace it because my contract doesn't expire until later this month. The reception is the worst i have ever experianced on a phone, I have dropped more calls than anyone I know. There are no features to this phone, which are important to me. I plan to buy the new Chocolate from Verizon Wireless, and hopefully this review will discourage you from purchasing this lame excuse for a cell phone!

Great phone!
I just got it today and I'm already in love with it.
I was sad when I couldnt get new ringtones for it but I figured out that I can record voice memos as mp3. ringtones, so I'm happy.
This is actually my fourth phone and my first LG and I am more than happy with it.
I recommend this phone to anyone that just wants a basic phone. I have great service on it (Verizon) and I havent had a dropped call yet.
I tried out the speakerphone on it and it's loud and very clear.
I'm sticking with this phone for a very long time.

Good Basic Phone
I have two cell phones, an LG Fusic from Sprint as my personal phone and this one from a prepaid local service that I work for. This phone is a good basic phone, I like it for the price we charge for it. (of course I got it free though through work)
Good battery life
Easy menu interface (interchangeable from List to Icon)
Good signal
Big buttons
Good speaker
Nice small clamshell
No extendable antenae
No games
Kinda crappy ringtones
No external LCD
Overall, this phone is alright for a customer that doesn't require all the bells and whistles like MP3, Camera/Video, etc, etc. It serves its purpose for me as a secondary work phone.

Decent Phone but the Service isn't
I purchased this phone the Saturday before Thanksgiving of 2005.It was my first Flip Phone I've had with Metro PCS.The phone it's self is very nice,nice phonebook,features,and make you own ringtones which is nice.There are a few problems though.When walking outside in sunlight it is pretty hard to see the screen especially with my phone case on it's almost impossible.Also when someone is calling I'm use to just looking at the phone to see whos calling.Since this doesn't have a external display you have to flip open the phone just to see whos calling.Also im a big text user in school and the vibrate is nice but it's pretty loud and strong especially in a quiet class room.Not a big deal but just a warning for people who texting in school.Speakerphone is some clear on this phone it's almost like your talking directly to the person in person.The ring tones and wallpapers with the phone are crappy so you might want to make your own or download a wallpaper from @metro.The number 1 problem i have with this phone and why i may be getting another is the Service with Metro PCS.Metro is notorious for bad signal,customer service,etc.The problem i have is that service as well.I previously had the Nokia 6015i and it had dropped calls and everything but this phone drops even more.I found out that you can loosen the antenna with this model as well.I discovered by looseining the antenna you will get better reciption at the risk of losing the antenna.And guess what?I lost the antenna one day and had to pay 10$ for a new one and had the same problem.I caleld Customer Service @ Metro and they were no help at all.All the guy said was "Oh Intresting sounds like you need a new antenna you that i had told him i bought a new one and still he said that.So im thinking about exchanging this phone for maybe the Nokia 2116i.I know it's a major downgrade but hey no big deal.So overall it is a nice phone with great features but lacks an outer display and terrible reception with metro.

This is the worst phone, I hate it no phone should ever call 911 like that i hate it hate it hate it. It called 911 even though i typed 611 for verizon. Shuts off randomly. Batt is random. Makes Creaking Noises I hate it.
Do not but it or any other Lg ever. Get a moto or nokia

This is a GREAT Phone
I had an LG VX3200 for over a year and it had a lot of minutes on it and it gave me no problems whatsoever. When it was time to get a new phone, I wanted another one but alas Verizon didn't sell it anymore. The salesman suggested the LG VX3300 as a replacement. I tried it under Verizon's 15 day return policy and it was returned. The 3300 is not an upgrade to the 3200. It is very flimsy and not as loud in comparison. STAY AWAY FROM THAT PHONE! I like the 3200's sturdy feel. I scoured a few Verizon stores and found one that had a 3200 in stock and I purchased it outright. There are a few cons to the phone that others have discussed, (No outside display, no camera, no internet, no GET IT NOW), but I am not calling these cons. These just cost money that I no longer have to spend. If you read about this phone, you see it never advertises these things. If you still buy it then, you can't call it a con as it is doing what it is supposed to do;make and receive calls and text message. One other benefit I found is this. Many of my minutes that I used were for the Verizon paid features(GIN,PIX,Internet). I not only was paying for those but I was paying for the minutes too. Since I don't have those features anymore, I was able to drop my plan to the lowest Americas Choice plan and Save an additional $20 monthly. This phone does what it is supposed to do. This phone has been great for me and I look forward to using it for a few more years. You can't go wrong with it.

Best I've Had So Far!
This phone is by far the best I've ever owned. Granted, I haven't owned that many but it's still the best. We got two of these free with Verizon and couldn't be happier. If your looking for a good phone (and not all the other crap), this is the phone for you. If, for some reason you feel you need an arcade/IM/e-writer/etc, then get something else. But for basic phones, this one can't be beat. LG VX3200 and Verizon also give me the best coverage of anyone I know.

This phone was my first I had ever gotten. I hated it. It has the smallest screen, worst ringtones and doesnt even have GET IT NOW.
Basically nothing
Speaker phone.
Bad phone
Bad reception
Small screen
Ring volume stinks
Vibrate stinks.
I hated this phone so much that I threw it to my friend who had a baseball bat and he smashed it to bits. I was soo happy when I got my Samsung A 670

Basically Pretty Good Phone
I think this is a very good cell phone. It is my first cell phone and I really like it. Some pros are it's small, color, cool wallpaper in my opinion, you can change the font and the color of your text, which I found very cool, you can text messege and add icons to your text to liven it up a bit, you can add different ringtones to different people in your phone book, you can get ringtones, and they do include some on the phone, and they aren't too cheesy. There aren't many cons to this phone, but yeah I did go to several websites and listened to ringtones and I was like, "Woah! I want that!" But, I couldn't get it because they didn't carry this phone brand. But, at vtext.com you can get some very good ringtones for it. Some people might not like that this phone doesn't include games, but it's a cell phone, not a computer.
Overall, I think this is a very good phone!