Cingular Looks To HBO For 3G Content
Comments 25
Aug 11, 2005, 1:45 PM by (staff)
Cingular's 3G launch plans still largely remain a mystery, however it has been reported that the carrier is in talks with HBO to provide video content for the new network. According to a report, Cingular wants HBO to be its premiere content provider, formatting programs and new clips for 3G mobile devices. The two companies would share revenues be selling a monthly subscription, similar to paying for HBO through cable and satellite providers. Neither Cingular nor HBO would confirm the talks. Additional sources in the article confirmed that Cingular is still on track to launch 3G services in the fourth quarter and re-iterated that LG, Motorola and Nokia would provide launch handsets.
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Does that mean I will be able to download Taxicab Confessions onto my cellphone? Yeah!
3G headsets?????
If this service is to be launced by the 4th quarter of this year. Shouldn't I wait to upgrade my phone and does anyone know what these models are yet?
You might be waiting longer than just the 4th quarter of this year, depending on where you live. Cingular's launch won't be widespread until early 2006, so you may not see any HSDPA service or phones 6+ more months. If you are patient enough, I woul...
jet doesn't know what he's talking about
umts, wcdma WILL be in NY, Chi, LA FIRST!! HSDPA will come later, trust me. it will come out at the end of the year, or begining next year, with new nokia 40 series phones (the hi-end slider in the nokia summer article on phone scoop) the RAZR V3X, and som S***ty LG phone.
Stupid move on Cingular's part...
Thanks for the apology. I just woke up I was about to start something.
why in the world would they use a lg phone. i have an lg and i believe they suck n**s. they have the worst reception ever.