Sprint Pushes webOS 1.4 to Pre and Pixi
Palm is going down...
http://www.networkworld.com/news/2010/022410-why-pal ... »
I carry a Palm Pre, HTC Hero and BB Storm, the Pre is by far the easiest and most untuitive of the three phones I own. If Palm tanks it will be a shame, the Pre is a great phone. Sprint, however, is doing quite well.
Beyond the Motorola Droid, to which Verizon Wireless (the nation's largest carrier) spent approximately 1/4th of the total device cost marketing, the Palm Pre has outsold an...
Dear Abby,
You give horrible advice and I hate your picture. I gave it all up for a girl.
Sprint needs to stop badmouthing their flagship phone
Sprint, Palm did you the favor of giving you your first competitive smartphone in half a decade. Verizon got stuck with Android, and blew millions marketing a device that can't even run the most recent OS version yet.
-Multitouch browser, Dolphin and xscope do this, better than the native browser at multitouch imo.
-Google Earth. Capable of running on 2.01, market f...
Palm will survive for one reason only
... wait for it
... ...
... ... almost there
... ... ...
All kidding aside, I used to hate the new Palm WebOS when compared to blackberry, android, and iphone. But there are a lot of positives to it, and since I've started using one, I actually really like it.
Some major pros
- Size... beats almost all other devices in terms of size in the smartphone category
- Multiple Exchange sync (this is a plus for anyone in the business world who has multiple emails... plus... I love android, but it is not a business users phone)
- The mirror behind the back of the pre
Ok ok ok... so maybe there aren't a lot of pros over other devices, it's truly going to be a personal preference, but spend some time using...
I think their font rendering is some of the best I've seen (even with the small screen size I can read everything)
Downloading mine now!