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Another god awful CC experience from SprintΓ’β€žΒ’


Apr 21, 2005, 3:17 PM
Background: Just started working for VZW, had two Sprint phones. VZW gives us a pretty good discount, so I decided I wanted to cancel ONE of the phones (on a share plan) and convert it to a single plan.

I called CC and said I wanted to cancel one of lines. I was not asked for an explanation, and no save attempt was made at all (I've been a customer with them since 2000 and spend over $125 a month). My ONLY request was that the ETF fee be added to my final bill for the one line, and that service NOT be interrupted for the second. The rep says that's not a problem, and then proceeds to disconnect both lines. Apparently he forgot that the ETF would put my account over it's idiotic (and never requested) $200 spending limit (which neve...

Apr 22, 2005, 10:03 AM
Hey Jackass, the spending limit is never requested, it's based on Credit. If you don't want one, get better credit, and since when do you get to decide how you are billed? I don't know of anywhere else that lets you choose when a fee is to be billed. Welcome to the wireless industry, soon you will be dealing w/ customers that are just as ignorant as you are. Good Luck.

Apr 22, 2005, 11:40 AM
ROCK ON!!! 😁

Apr 22, 2005, 2:59 PM
nodeposit said:
Hey Jackass, the spending limit is never requested, it's based on Credit. If you don't want one, get better credit, and since when do you get to decide how you are billed? I don't know of anywhere else that lets you choose when a fee is to be billed. Welcome to the wireless industry, soon you will be dealing w/ customers that are just as ignorant as you are. Good Luck.

Based on your comprehension of what I posted, you must work for Sprint. Anyway...if I had bad credit, which I don't, why not collect a deposit? I didn't demand to be billed on a specific day, I simply requested that it be added to my next bill, and if that could be done without a service interruption. The CSR said "no pro...

Apr 22, 2005, 3:47 PM
"This is typical of Sprint's customer "service" as I've experienced it over the years"

they are working on that though.

Apr 29, 2005, 11:57 AM
🀣 Yea right! I'll believe when I hear it. Oops I'm gone already. Along with 23 other people I know. The horrendous taste is still in my mouth. I recall being told by a rep that I can not have his ID #. Furthermore, I was told that there are no sups to take my escalated calls(on two different occurrences) by a di*k that barely spoke english. He had no shame in telling me that, and the other rep put me on hold then simply hung up on me. This is JUST two that I can remember at the moment. Really, imagine if sprint ran credit checks like Verizon, cingular, and Nextel. They would be screwed! Granted somebody has to provide for the "hood" though. I feel sorry for the loyal Nextel customers that have to endure the integration of this piss poor ...

Apr 29, 2005, 12:05 PM
"Yea right! I'll believe when I hear it. Oops I'm gone already. Along with 23 other people I know. "

yea, you should see it. look at their numbers for the 1st quarter earnings. increasing in arpu, data arpu, sub growth, lowering churn, and increasing lifetime revenue per user. increasing their bad debt and bad subscribers. which tells us what? THINGS ARE IMPROVING!!!

"Really, imagine if sprint ran credit checks like Verizon, cingular, and Nextel."

actually sprint has the same credit checks like nextel, but not to that extent.

verizon is very laxed and same with cingular.

it will go something like this for most strict.

1. nextel
2. sprint
3. cingular.
4. verizon

thats how it goes. sprint made a mistake with those low...

Apr 29, 2005, 2:23 PM
"actually sprint has the same credit checks like nextel, but not to that extent."

You know that is not true, your statement at the end shows that. If your credit isn't that good (you have to be over $100,000 in debt for that to happen πŸ˜‰ ) you can pay a uniform $125 deposit.

"verizon is very laxed and same with cingular"
You and everyone on here knows that isn't true either. They ask for deposits up to $1000 bucks. You can get the Cingular one, but they ask for at least $150 if I'm not mistaken.

it will go something like this for most strict.

1. nextel
2. sprint
3. cingular.
4. verizon

That was a complete fabrication. This the order calculated from experiences with carriers:
1.Verizon or Nextel

Apr 29, 2005, 3:01 PM
"That was a complete fabrication. This the order calculated from experiences with carriers:
1.Verizon or Nextel


verizon and nextel do not have the same credit "strictness" levels.

sprint has increased their "strictness" levels from a while ago.

"Many Nextel contracted consumers are just waiting for Verizon to improve the latency and cingular to launch PTT. When that happens there goes the loyal Nextel cunsumers. "

no. thats not true either. no one is waiting for verizon's new and improve push to talk system. they will never leave nextel. look at the churn and lifetime revenue per user.

Apr 29, 2005, 3:21 PM
That is pre-merger. They are not going to wait until QChat that could be nearly 2 years away. By than the Kodiak's system should have worked the bugs out and connection should be instant.

Apr 29, 2005, 5:40 PM
what is pre-merger?

yea, they have to wait. it wont work on the rev o system that well so they want to use it over the rev a system.

kodiak will not be better then qchat. qchat is at 1.5 seconds and thats just right now, and kodiak is at 2-3 seconds and wont improve. thats what they are at. it wont go down it will probably go up. (the latency that is) when it goes onto the gsm or cdma network (push to talk solutions) it becomes slower. motorola's ptt solution that i belive verizon and sprint used was very good and they had huge latency when they put it on their networks.

cingular wont do well. alltel has it and theirs isnt that great, and nextel partners serves in their markets and they been stealing customers and saying there ar...

May 19, 2005, 11:06 AM
BTW if you have not had the chance you should try Ready Link now and on newer phones. Latency has gone down substantially since launch (which back then was ridiculous).

Jun 3, 2005, 8:59 AM
yea, i have heard the same actually. (that ready link has improved) i also noticed an uptake in subscribers for q1 and since sprint fixed the ready link, whoch shows a great sign.

i dont have to try ready link becuase i have nextel. (but i might, but we will see)

i am not interested in ready link as much as i am interested in qchat.

Apr 30, 2005, 9:16 PM
judog2g said:
That was a complete fabrication. This the order calculated from experiences with carriers:
1.Verizon or Nextel

I agree.

No credit whatsoever (completely no history)?
Verizon deposit = $1000
Cingular deposit = $500
Sprint deposit = $150

This I know. As for Nextel I couldn't say.

May 15, 2005, 4:50 PM

May 26, 2005, 5:40 PM
I think nextel18 has it right with credit strictness. I sell alltel, sprint, cingular and suncom and used to sell nextel. I can get a customer approved w/ a deposit with Nextel, same customer approved w/alltel with like 1 line no deposit and a second line 200, and they can walk over to radio shack and get verizon all five lines no deposit. My friend had a right off with nextel, alltel requested a 200 dollar deposit from him and averizon let him get a phone with no deposit. hmmm who is easy to get with. Also Nextel18, Alltel's touch to talk has improved and from the new improvements, Alltel's coverage for walkie talkie is the biggest out there. It also does alot of stuff no other carrier can do. If you want I can send you info on it or knowin...

Jun 16, 2005, 6:18 PM
You must work for Cingular and trying to knock Sprint. I have a sprint phone and have to deal with their customer service on a daily basis. At first it was really bad but it has gotten better over the last two years.

Apr 23, 2005, 12:10 PM
Never said you had bad credit. Apparently it's not good enough to not have a spending limit though. The ETF was added to your next bill, and then your bill posted. When your bill posts, it's due. It posts at the beginning of your billing cycle. When it posts, if it's over your spending limit, regardless of whether you request it or not, you get shut off. The CSR should not have told you no problem but Sprint didn't **** everything up, they did what they were supposed to do. How about you get on a forum and complain about the CSR who lied to you rather than a company that did nothing out of the ordinary. Just cause we don't do everything people want doesn't mean we have poor customer service.

Apr 25, 2005, 2:56 PM
nodeposit said:
Never said you had bad credit. Apparently it's not good enough to not have a spending limit though. The ETF was added to your next bill, and then your bill posted. When your bill posts, it's due. It posts at the beginning of your billing cycle. When it posts, if it's over your spending limit, regardless of whether you request it or not, you get shut off. The CSR should not have told you no problem but Sprint didn't **** everything up, they did what they were supposed to do. How about you get on a forum and complain about the CSR who lied to you rather than a company that did nothing out of the ordinary. Just cause we don't do everything people want doesn't mean we have poor customer service.

Apr 26, 2005, 11:13 AM
I could care less what our reputation is for customer service, that is just people bitching cause they didn't get what they want. You thought that you were above the rules and wanted something that nobody else gets. You were lied to by a person who works for sprint, not the entire company. Yes that person represents sprint, but he also represents his family, do you now hate his family? Where is that post? I'm sorry you were lied to, did you ever think maybe either the CSR misunderstood you or maybe you misunderstood the CSR? 😲 (I know that probably didn't happen because you are perfect)

Apr 26, 2005, 2:21 PM
man thats not a good way to get people to come in and purchase service from sprint. although not as dumb as what the big wig from verizon said about people expecting too much from cell phones (working in your house for example). you should care about the reputation because those customers are what keep your job around.

May 13, 2005, 12:05 PM
😳 😳 😳

... and this is the reason why when I moved I didn't go with Sprint, who has excellent service in Philly, and went with Verizon instead.

WOW... and to think you have a job.

May 21, 2005, 8:13 PM
Are you kidding me?? He wasn't trying to get anything anyone can't get. You can have one line canceled and pay the etf on just that one line while leaving the other active. I worked for sprint and what he asked for is absolutely doable. He did exactly what he needed to do. The rep in this case really did mess something up and 200 spending limits aren't that bad especially if he got it a few years ago when he was younger. That means he actually had decent credit. He has every right to be upset. And you SHOULD care about the reputation of your customer Service cause it leads to sprints A@@ high churn rate cause of incompetent reps such as yourself.

Apr 23, 2005, 11:46 PM
I agree. I am sick of people bitching about phones and crap. Customers freak out about phones demanding free Treo's and demanding that phones out of warranty should be replaced and stuff and then when there is no possible way to do that it is suddenly bad customer service. There are rules that are set in place at every company and just because someone spends XXX amount of dollars with you doesn't mean that you can bend them. Heck I have shopped at Wal-Mart for years but I don't go in and demand free stuff when I go there.

People threaten crap all the time about switching to other carriers so they can get free phones...of course you can when you first sign up...Sprint does that too. What people need to look at when they sign up for ...

Apr 25, 2005, 2:57 PM
Did you eat a lot of paint chips when you were a kid?

Apr 25, 2005, 7:23 PM
I've been wondering that about alot of the sprint people.

May 17, 2005, 3:17 PM
vzw_achiever said:
Did you eat a lot of paint chips when you were a kid?

what? you mean wallcandy?!?

Apr 29, 2005, 2:38 PM
This guy can't be serious! 🀣 He sounds like a commercial. The upgrade program sucks! Even though you buy the phone yourself the waiting period is 18 months.

Apr 30, 2005, 7:22 PM
Well it would be nice if the upgrade program was sooner but it is better than Verizon who makes you wait 2 years and Cingular who makes you wait 22 months.

May 21, 2005, 8:15 PM
Vzw will let you upgrade 22 months and 12 months on a 59 + rate plan. Vzw also gives an instant rebate of up to 100 dollars off new customer eqp.. what does sprint do again?

Apr 25, 2005, 4:17 PM
In all honesty it doesn't surprise me this happened. I can account for the fact many CC reps for Sprint make completely idiotic promises to customers.

Every day I average 30 calls from customers complaining about what a CC rep told them. It happens enough for me to say there is a problem company wide. I hoestly wonder about their training or coaching... or lack thereof.

I love the "Don't blame the company for one rep" line. I speak to plenty of people every day. I know it's more than one rep making the company bad.

Apr 29, 2005, 2:43 PM
jkrivjansky said:
In all honesty it doesn't surprise me this happened. I can account for the fact many CC reps for Sprint make completely idiotic promises to customers.

Every day I average 30 calls from customers complaining about what a CC rep told them. It happens enough for me to say there is a problem company wide. I hoestly wonder about their training or coaching... or lack thereof.

I love the "Don't blame the company for one rep" line. I speak to plenty of people every day. I know it's more than one rep making the company bad.

What a brave soul. Thank you for your testimony! The truth is they are coached to lie. Too many experiences to bring one up.

Apr 29, 2005, 6:58 PM
judog2g said:
What a brave soul. Thank you for your testimony! The truth is they are coached to lie. Too many experiences to bring one up.

I won't go so far as to say they are coached to lie. I will say many of them are either lazy or grossly misinformed.

I have one specific case where a rep asked me if what they were told was correct. I informed them it wasn't. It's not necessarily a lie if the rep doesn't know any different.

May 14, 2005, 5:19 PM
I find that many reps at sprint have little understanding of the M&P's and quite a few senior specialist and/or supers, as well...

This is coming from a long time customer and also a former rep. I try not to call at all! Basic feature changes are screwed up and then nothing will be right for months.

May 21, 2005, 8:20 PM
When I worked as a csr in a retail center I couldnt get a straight answer from ANYONE. Even my store manager. I HAD to do my own research to get the right info. I can't tell you how many times I had to educate my ENTIRE team (managers too) on how to basic processes. Vzw is another world completly. All though there are a few reps that manage to stick around somehow and screw up things on peoples bills vzw does a pretty good job at weeding them out. If you are a customer that gets screwed over on something like this a good thing to do is send a flag up to the company about it. Seek out management and let them know whats going on. EVEN if the manager didn't know the policy or the correct info he has to research it to make sure he educates the r...

May 28, 2005, 11:55 AM
TommyBoy said:
When I worked as a csr in a retail center I couldnt get a straight answer from ANYONE. Even my store manager. I HAD to do my own research to get the right info. I can't tell you how many times I had to educate my ENTIRE team (managers too) on how to basic processes. Vzw is another world completly. All though there are a few reps that manage to stick around somehow and screw up things on peoples bills vzw does a pretty good job at weeding them out. If you are a customer that gets screwed over on something like this a good thing to do is send a flag up to the company about it. Seek out management and let them know whats going on. EVEN if the manager didn't know the policy or the correct info he has to researc

May 19, 2005, 11:27 AM
It is unfortunate that your call was handled by one of the many reps at CC that had no clue what they were doing. It seems that all but one or two centers have virtually no training and end up spitting out incorrect information all the time. At one point I heard that IBM was supposedly running Sprint's CC centers and it was supposed to improve. I guess India = improvement? I love my phone, service, and Sprint PCS but I hope they scrap the CC and start from scratch because that part is not impressing anyone.

As for your ETF being on the next bill: that would only be possible if the phone is expired at that billing cycle. If the line is terminated effective immediately it is also charged immediately. If the line is set to expire on a ...

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