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May 16, 2005, 6:50 PM
I'm not trying to flame, but why did the marketing department seem to get a different coverage map for the commercials than is what is on the website? I saw one of the new commercials and at the end it said something about Sprint's network covering 290 million people and the map was GINORMOUS!

I thought to myself, "did Sprint sign all the roaming agreements and get the full CDMA map now?" So I went to the website and saw the same "blood vein" coverage for home network calling, not the blanket coverage that the commercial showed!

Explain? I'm so confused!

"It ain't broke, it just needs duct tape!"

May 17, 2005, 8:49 AM
sprint's native coverage does cover over 290 million people. sprint is in 119 of the top 120 markets in the us the only market they are not in is juno. they are also in several cities besides that. and that is where 90% of the population lives. that is how sprint covers 290 mill people.

secondly sprint does have a new map. on the old maps it was just sprint coverage was dark green then roaming was light green. now sprint coverage is dark green, cdma roaming is medium green and analog roaming is light green.

i hate the new coverage map.

May 17, 2005, 12:03 PM
stevelvl said:
sprint's native coverage does cover over 290 million people. sprint is in 119 of the top 120 markets in the us the only market they are not in is juno. they are also in several cities besides that. and that is where 90% of the population lives. that is how sprint covers 290 mill people.

secondly sprint does have a new map. on the old maps it was just sprint coverage was dark green then roaming was light green. now sprint coverage is dark green, cdma roaming is medium green and analog roaming is light green.

i hate the new coverage map.

I agree, why does it seem all Sprint does is look for ways to screw their customers. They decieve u with thier coverage checks are a joke , it tells u ...

May 17, 2005, 1:56 PM
$5 extra (in non-affiliate markets) opens up the off network roaming with no per minute charge, just minutes.

The true Sprint network parallels most of the Interstate system, and actually covers more than T-mobile. As for deception, you can actually look up the location of most Sprint towers at

www.sprint.com/pcsbusiness/coverage/towermaps .html

May 18, 2005, 7:19 PM
notice his username

-sprintsux- one can only assume he has nothing of real value to add to this forum

May 21, 2005, 8:23 PM
Don't the phones come out of the box set to find sprint only and not really the strongest signal?

May 21, 2005, 11:23 PM
no they come out of the box set on the automatic setting.

i thought you worked for sprint as a csr and knew absolutly every thing?

May 26, 2005, 1:47 PM
Yeah about 4 years ago... Everything I hear from people after working there is hear say. Thats why I wanted to confirm it... schmuck

May 17, 2005, 5:55 PM
i do work for sprint, and i do agree the map on the back of the plan guides as well as the map on the comercials is a bit deceiving (sp?) but it is the same map that all carriers show, and it represnets all areas that there is coverage, whether it is the netowrk or another carrier. if you go into a store, look at the website, or look at the actual coverage map you will see sprints actual network which does cover major cities and highwys...some huge majority of the population. i think they also show the map they do on the comercials because of the free to roam plan which does allow users to use a their sprint phone anywhere they can get a signal without roaming or long distance charges.

May 18, 2005, 7:22 PM
That is how I always explain it. Sprint puts towers where the people are.

May 18, 2005, 11:20 PM
I sell sprint, but it is hard to sell in my area, that and the cs is very poor. As far as the map, it shows where the towers are, not the strength in certain areas. I know that coverage is not always what it shows, but it is still nice to know how well it works.

/Not flaming, just asking questions.

May 21, 2005, 8:26 PM
It isnt the same map everyone shows... Sprint is the only one showing it and I bet you anything they arent letting the customers freely use that entire network.. It would be too costly for a company to do that and maintain the rates they have. A true balnket of coverage allowing customers to use cdma/amps ANYWHERE available would be a significant amount more than sprints current rates.

May 21, 2005, 11:30 PM
TommyBoy said:
It isnt the same map everyone shows... Sprint is the only one showing it and I bet you anything they arent letting the customers freely use that entire network.. It would be too costly for a company to do that and maintain the rates they have. A true balnket of coverage allowing customers to use cdma/amps ANYWHERE available would be a significant amount more than sprints current rates.

actually no it would not. sprint offeres a plan where you can use litterally any cdma or amps ANYWHERE avalible it is called the fair and flexable america or the free and clear america. plans. it is only 5$ more then the national plans. it is basically what verizon offers with there national singel rate plan ...

May 23, 2005, 12:27 AM
right which leads to my original thought.. Since all the carriers are similar with cost of roaming and minute per dollar how is it that sprint can do this without a tremendous knock on their revenue.. the only thing I can come up with is that there are so many people not using the feature cause they are under the impression they need it (but they dont cause they never go off network) they offset the cost of the people that are actually using their minutes off network.

May 23, 2005, 10:20 AM
I think you are right about a lot of people not using it but for five dollars a month to cover it in case you do is not bad, considering if you went to an area for a week and were off Sprint's network it would only take 2 hours to run up a years worth. I personally go to an area about once a month where I roam on VZW towers and the five dollars has saved me a lot of money. So sometimes you may not use it but for customers I think its about knowing if they need it, they have it.

May 26, 2005, 1:24 PM
rsanswerman said:
I think you are right about a lot of people not using it but for five dollars a month to cover it in case you do is not bad, considering if you went to an area for a week and were off Sprint's network it would only take 2 hours to run up a years worth. I personally go to an area about once a month where I roam on VZW towers and the five dollars has saved me a lot of money. So sometimes you may not use it but for customers I think its about knowing if they need it, they have it.

Dude it's $10 for 60 minutes of roaming (maybe for my area only).

May 26, 2005, 4:05 PM
Some places have different plans. Sprint corperate is $5 for half your minutes

May 26, 2005, 7:08 PM
in non-corporate areas it can be different...in my area (WI) it is 100 mins for $10

May 23, 2005, 12:00 PM
TommyBoy said:
right which leads to my original thought.. Since all the carriers are similar with cost of roaming and minute per dollar how is it that sprint can do this without a tremendous knock on their revenue.. the only thing I can come up with is that there are so many people not using the feature cause they are under the impression they need it (but they dont cause they never go off network) they offset the cost of the people that are actually using their minutes off network.

actually all carriers are not simaler with cost of roaming. the cost of roaming is negotiated and broakered between each carrier. some carriers charge more then other carriers. this is the whole reason behind the perfered roami...

May 24, 2005, 1:12 AM
That makes a little more sense. I guess im just not getting that their OWNED network isnt that large so there technically should be quite a few customers in the roaming zones ALOT of the time which would be very costly for them to keep up. I guess it all offsets the cost for those people who never use the roamingfor the ones that do. Sprint may just make so much off their roaming agreements with other companies they can afford to do something like this. But then again I am just talkin out my a$$ 🤣

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