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Samsung UpStage M620


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Sep 20, 2007, 7:36 PM

International Use

Not going to ask about Japan, but will this phone work in France, Germany, China, S. Korea and Brazil?

Aug 30, 2007, 8:57 PM



Jul 17, 2007, 7:06 PM

Instant Messaging applications

So, I noticed the AIM Application doesn't work with the UpStage, though it links to a website based one... does anyone know if they're coming out with a compatible one, or anything along those lines?
1 reply

Jul 28, 2007, 12:35 PM

Support a 4G card?

Does the Upstage work with a 4G card?
1 reply

Aug 28, 2007, 3:33 PM

Bluetooth headphones?

Does this phone support the proper profile to allow music through bluetooth headphones?
1 reply

Aug 24, 2007, 11:12 AM

Can Anyone Help Me Out?! Katana DLX vs. Upstage?!

I need some help here!! I have been debating on whether or not the Upstage is going to be a completely awesome phone or not. In comparison to the Katana DLX, both phones have got the same features. I ABSOLUTELY ADORE the Upstage--it is so cute! The phone side's keys are great. I love the click wheel. But that screen...is so unbelievably small! I am a text addict and don't know if that will work for me or not. On the other hand, the Katana DLX has a huge screen that would work wonders for me in texting. It's a stylish phone, too. So...can ya'll help me out here?

Katana DLX or Upstage M620


Please reply..goin' to sprint store tonight to buy one or the other....it's hopeless, I know! ...
1 reply

Jun 26, 2007, 11:56 PM

Airplane Mode/Bluetooth

The main selling point of this phone is the music player with stereo bluetooth. I was recently on a flight and took my new Upstage with my bluetooth headphones to use the music player on the plane. I came to realize that the Airplane Mode disables Bluetooth capabilities. Is there any way around this? Am I forced to use the headphone adapter/traditional headphones when trying to use the music player in Airplane Mode?
1 reply

Aug 14, 2007, 11:56 PM

Music player related bug?

(posted this on another forum too, no answer there though...)

If I get a text message while listening to music with my bt headset, it seems to drop the signal or something. The music just gets kicked back over to the handset speaker. This happens every time. (Not sure if it will happen with calls though, havent tried yet.)

The media player does not exit or anything. Also, it happens even if the player is 'hidden'.

If I pause and resume the music after this happens though, the sound returns to the headset.

Does this happen to anybody else?

This is seeming to be a total deal breaker for me... ☚ī¸

Jul 18, 2007, 1:39 AM

new SMS error!

I found while replying to an SMS from one person and reciving another at the same time, my reply was sent to the latter person, rather than the intended person to whom I was replying. Has anyone else noticed this?

(Can be very common when having text conversations with two people at the same time)

-It may not matter, but one of the users was an AIM user... (Add "+1 ##########" to your buddies to send AIM-SMS messages)
2 replies

May 6, 2007, 12:42 PM

Video Format

I am having trouble uploading video to my UpStage. I assume it has to be in MPG4 format, however I cannot get it to play once it has loaded the video... I am assuming that the format, (i.e. kbps), for either the video or the audio is wrong, so I could use some help...
2 replies

Jul 21, 2007, 9:58 PM

50 Charcter Text Message Limit

Just picked up this phone. I've gone through every review on this site and noone has mentioned the 50 Charcter limit on text messages.

Is this normal? I know the screen is small but it doesnt scroll. I get 50 charcters only which is useless for a test message.

Is this normal?
1 reply

Apr 16, 2007, 11:28 AM

I'd love to see a Verizon version of this...

.... but I won't hold my breath.
6 replies

Apr 26, 2007, 11:37 AM

Mac Compatible or Not?

I was curious if anyone knows if the upstage is compatible with mac. Also can you play songs from itunes on the upstage or not.
If anyone can help me I would really appreciate it.
11 replies

Jul 8, 2007, 1:57 AM

New ringtones

I have a Samsung m620 and I would like to know how a can get new ringtones beside the sprint services. If I can transfer ringtones from others via bluetooth and use it on my phone and how to do it, and if I can use a song store in my phone as a ringtone and how to do it.
2 replies

Jul 5, 2007, 9:44 AM

error code 97

Does anyone else have an error code 97 when trying to send text messages??? This is rather aggrevating since I have to send the message 4 or 5 times before it will go through. Its not on every message but at least 1 out of 3 fail. I spoke with Sprint and they said its not the network, (error code actaully says "Account issue" of which it is not. They are sending me another replacement phone to see that corrects the issue. IF not then I am changing to another phone.
1 reply

Jul 2, 2007, 1:15 PM

Just got m620, It's good but...

I like the phone so far, but there are just a few things that I am not sure it's worth keeping.

On July 15th, when the new phones come out for Sprint, I am thinking of exchanging it for that new LG Muziq or the MotoROKR Z6 (if it comes out on the 15th). This way, I will be within the 30-day return policy and still get access to the new phones.

Ultimately I think I'll end up going with the Moto ROKR or the LX-570 because of the higher res displays, better camera, MicroSDHC support (on LG), and an easier-to-use design. The flipping on the Upstage isn't that tough to do, unless you only have 1 hand available to answer the phone. (ie, riding a bike or carrying something..)

Anyone else here dislike the phone once they got it but after a ...
1 reply

Jun 19, 2007, 3:12 PM

shutting down

has anyone ever incoutered a upstage that has a full charge and will not turn on.
1 reply

Jun 27, 2007, 1:20 PM

Good as just a phone?

Is this phone worth getting if you aren't terribly interested in the music functions? I just want a phone with a camera, that has a little bit more style than a Zach Morris phone.
1 reply

Jun 29, 2007, 11:47 AM

battery wallet?????

if i get the upstage do i have to charge the battery wallet too?
1 reply

Jun 10, 2007, 2:29 AM


http://developer.sprint.com/view_devices.do?device=7 ... »

if u look at the multimedia formats
m620 supports animated gif..
n even bmp
how come it doesn't read the gif in the phone!
2 replies
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