Motorola RAZR2 V9 / V9x
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dust under front screen ?
i know i might be alittle crazy when it comes to keeping my screens prestine, but has anyone else noticed if they have dust under their front screen. it is easier to see it in the sunlight. i didnt notice it at first because i always used it inside but when i was outside i saw it clearly. any one else?
this is the main reason I got rid of the original Razr.. You would think that Moto would fix something like this when creating the Razr 2, guess not...
Motorola did fix the problem. I don't have dust under the interior or exterior screen and I've had it for two weeks now. I keep the phone right in my pocket. And this is my third V9. First one had a bad hinge, second one was traded in for the BB Curve (which had MAJOR dust problems!!!), and finally went back to this phone. It's extremely solid and doesn't get dust in the screens like the old RAZR. And I am a freak when it comes to keeping my gadgets clean.
yeah i agree, no dust on mine. i will keep this phone until the sony z750 release. my v9 is nice but nothing impressive, just good looks.
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