HTC Droid Incredible
Reviews 82
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Heat/battery prob?
Has anyone experienced a problem with their incredible getting....incredibly warm? and the battery going very fast? My mom and my stepdad each have one. they have a task killer as i showed them how to use the device. anyone else having these troubles?
No sir no battery problems. I would have verizon exchange it. No good can come from a battery getting hot,it can only get worse.
i'm having the same problem. i'm going to be bringing it to verizon tomorrow
May 3, 2010, 10:16 AM
Batteries get warm in low/weak signal area, especially if you try and use data.
Also, don't run the task killer too often, because there are a lot of apps that will auto launch every time. and it takes more energy booting these up than it consumes running in the background. (2.1 is very efficient at auto killing apps without a task killer.)
Hi Menno . . . you bring up and interesting point I wanted more info about. What you say about 2.1 on the Incredible and using Task Killer; is that true for the Moto Droid as well?
How does the Droid use memory? I use Task Killer to raise the available memory on my Moto Droid. It seems to get more sluggish as it gets down to 30-40k and using Task Killer brings it up to about 60-70k. I know the Incredible has a lot more available memory so it's less of an issue.
I don't use sync, nav, WiFi unless I specifically need those features using an app; saving battery and memory. What are other do's and dont's?
Limited memory seems to be an issue with performance.
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