Amazon Fire
Reviews 1
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this will die before it reaches the store... waste of money amazon... you could've invested on kids college funds than to invent something that doesn't give you a leg up
The specs are from two years ago. Plus the Fire OS is terrible - bloated and sluggish. Amazon makes you install apps from their store so app selection is pitiful. But Amazon is deaf to feedback. Customers have been complaining about the deficiencies in the Kindle Fire HDX since it came out - issues such as horrible screen with purple and yellow on it, poor battery life, random reboots, touch not working and OS hanging. And yet Amazon is totally deaf and maintains this is the finest Kindle they've ever produced. With that track record you can be sure this phone will be DOA.
So the Kindle Fire sucks and they never addressed the issues but this one is gonna be DOA huh?
Seems like the Kindle Fire line has not only maintained but expanded, and been very profitable for them big picture so I'm thinking this one will do the same. I would never buy it, like many here but no one is buying this phone on the merits of the hardware. IME many of the people who bought the kindle fire on the strength of its hardware are the same ones who are unhappy.
Its not a real tablet (or smartphone in this case), its a hardware based amazon shopping cart, and they seem to be doing okay.
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