LG VX-6100
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Vx6100 shipped
I just got off the phone with VZW Internet order support and they gave me tracking numbers for the three 6100's I ordered. I had them confirm that these are really 6100's and the order states that they are. I then checked the FedEx site and they really did ship and are due here by 430pm Thursday. I'll update more tomorrow.
When did you placed the order and what number did you call to get the order/tracking information? If you don't mind, can you tell me what State are you from? I called VZW this afternoon and after several transfer, they told me I needed to contact the tele sales that handles my area/region.
I'm in Washington State. The number I called is 877-873-9056 (option 3) for existing orders). I don't know if this number is good for your area or not.
Hoppy, I hope you are right about this and they did send you a 6100 phone instead of the 6000 phone. I managed to get in touch with the Internet Sales Support this morning (after being bounced from here to China for past couple of days), and I was told after they reviewed my order that was placed Tuesday that they are expecting to ship this phone on 10/25. I was told even though the phone is released, they cannot ship it until the 6000 stock has been depleted. I was told she will put my order in "back order" status so they can ship it as soon as they get the okay from LG that the 6000's are all gone. Also, during my conversation with this rep, she did try real hard to sale me the 6000 phone instead, but I insisted since I do need a tri-mode ...
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