Palm Treo 650 (GSM)
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Versamail probrem Treo 650
I have a GSM Treo 650 and I cannot use my contact list to choose from to send emails.
I get the error message "501 Syntax Error uin recipient address".
The address displays in the "to" box as
"mike smith";
If I delete the "mike smith", the "" from the above so that it just says.. then I have no problem. But it is really a bummer to have to do that everytime the software auto-inserts a name it found in a lookup.
Anybody have the problem? Any one have a solution?
I don't have this problem. you might try doing a soft reset to see if that helps. Also, you may want to go to or to submit this or see if any posts to the same issue.
I had the same problem. Then learned some ISP won't reconize messages from the treo as a legitament messages and blocks you off as SPAM. (Road Runner is one of them) In support section in the palm website they have settings for you to input as your outgoing pop server settings depending on who your cell phone provider is. Worked like a charm since. Good luck
Also, check to make sure you have the latest firmware update if you have cingular. the update is listed on the palm website. some co workers were having some problems with versa mail and getting the update helped them. just an fyi.
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