Palm Treo 650 (GSM)
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Push AOL email to Treo 650?
Nov 7, 2005, 10:59 PM
Can I get Aol email "pushed" to a treo 650? If not, is there any software available which will "fetch" my email from AOL? (versamail, snappermail, chattermail, etc.???)
Yes, your AOL mail can be pushed to your Treo. I know that Chatter Email will push it to your treo. You can also do it with Versa Mail, but it won't be push. I posted the settings that you'd need for versa mail for aol mail. I'm using Chatter Email and it works great with pushing my mail from AOL, as well as other IMAP and POP3 mail. It's worth it to me using Chatter Email because I use my Treo for work and I'm out more than at my desktop. It's lot easier to carry my treo than a laptop around. AOL mail is IMAP and I know that you can retrieve IMAP using Snapper Mail as well. Chatter Mail is fully functional during its 30 day trial period. Snapper Mail isn't fully functional during its trial period. Chatter Email has grea...
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