Palm Treo 650 (GSM)
New Cingular 2year contract withTreo650
Before I commit I need to know the following:
Can I receive email with the Treo from Versamail from my Comcast pop3 server WITHOUT signing up with PDA Connect or Xpress Mail?
I wonder if versamail allows my to bypass the Cingular features to get email direct from my Comcast pop3 server.
The Cingular reps I have talked to all have different ideas of how this works and what service I need. I am confused and tired of talking to these folks. If this is correct how would they charge for down loading emails OR is it just like making a phone call?
If I need ...
With Cingular, minutes are for talking and data is charged for by the amount you transfer to and fro. As small as 1kb.
There are many data plans available for the treo, starting at 19.99 for 5mb up to 39.99 for unlimited.
"Can I receive email with the Treo from Versamail from my Comcast pop3 server WITHOUT signing up with PDA Connect or Xpress Mail?"
No you will not be able to recieve email from a pop3 account without haveing a PDA connect feature added. I suggest the unlimited package for 39.99/mo. Being a corporate user myself I assure you that anything less is asking for overage on your next bill. Alot of overage.